When time is of the essence, you drive the process...
Ideal for non-time critical hires and passive Job Seekers...
We help take the time and hassle out of requesting and chasing References enabling you to focus on the tasks that matter. Customers find on average References are completed 89% faster than traditional methods. We offer a completely free, no obligation 2-week trial so you can see if the portal works for your business...
From Domiciliary Care to Companionship, from Home Help & Housekeeping to Personal Care, we’re helping Care providers all across the globe to check References quickly and efficiently.
Whether you’re looking to Reference Check teachers, teaching assistants, administrators, canteen staff, or even onsite contractors, The Reference Checker will automate and streamline the Reference Checking process.
From shop staff to warehouse operatives, from junior administrators to senior managers to we’ll help you navigate this fast paced sector with our automated, customisable Reference Templates.
In a sector dealing with vulnerable people, we’ll help ensure that Job Seekers are securely and compliantly Reference checked to ensure you have complete confidence in the people you hire.
From banks and stockbrokers, from hedge funds to insurance companies we’ll support your Reference Checking process at all hiring levels with branded, customisable Reference Question Templates
We help both Local and Central Government securely and compliantly Reference Check their potential employees underpinned with our market leading, sophisticated, Anti-Fraud algorithm.
Ready to start your 2 week, free, no obligation trial today?